Our ROI Report is now LIVE!

April 22, 2024
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Our ROI report is now live! To find out more about how you can reduce the risk to your business, minimise attrition and leaves of absence and improve employee wellbeing and company loyalty, you can download our report today.

Do the personal life events of employees have a negative economic impact on your business?

The answer is “yes”.

Do your employees expect to receive employer support for their life and caregiving events?

Again…a resounding “yes”!

Our recent study, in partnership with research firm Santa Barbara Actuaries, reports a heavy toll of emotional, physical, and financial disruption imposed by life events on both employees and employers alike. In addition, the survey identifies a similarly high negative impact on those caring for affected individuals.

The overall results were compelling, with a remarkable two thirds of respondents having experienced a significant life event in the previous two years that negatively impacted their ability to work. Of over 500 employees surveyed, 51% reported that, as a result, their ability to thrive at work was affected by at least 25% (with half of those saying that this was affected by over 50%). Respondents also overwhelmingly (at 80%) expressed the need for employer support for their life and caregiving events.

To find out more about how you can reduce the risk to your business, minimise attrition and leaves of absence and improve employee wellbeing and company loyalty, you can download our report today. Just head to the "employers" page and enter your details.
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